GCU Press is pleased to take initiative for the invitation of “Book Proposals” from scholars and practitioners involved with publicly engaged evidence-based research generally in Sciences and Humanities in particular. In this regard, book proposals are invited from all the faculties for review. The proposals that will qualify from the review of the press board members, the publishing/printing costs of those research books will be borne by the GCU Press. After introducing many HEC recognized journals by this well-recognized institution, now Book Printing is going to be another milestone in its legacy for researchers and academicians. Below is given few important guidelines both from the perspective of authorship and readership which are to be followed while submitting the proposals.
Who is the targeted reader?
i. Scholars or specialists: Are these in your field, in a particular area of a larger field, or in an emerging field with little to no coverage?
ii. Students: Is the book intended for use in the classroom? What course is it for? What level of preparation (major or non-major; freshman, senior, graduate) do the students have? Are most required readings from scholarly texts or a textbook with pedagogical features? What are the key learning outcomes for the course? Are there any trends changing the way faculty teach and students learn in the course?
iii. General readers: How will the topic's relevance and currency appeal to readers without specialized knowledge in the field?
Describe existing books in this field and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. Spell out how your coverage expands on existing coverage and differs from other books. Please discuss each book in a separate paragraph and provide the publisher and date of publication.
Please provide names and contact details of 3-4 referee you feel would competently review your material and whose opinion you value. We will seek to use some of these, along with reviewers of our own selection.